Wednesday 7 June 2017

Wilting but Wild Wednesday

Hello everyone, some very tired children woke up this morning but that didn't deter them from another exciting day at Lagganlia.  The weather improved minute by minute with no rain in sight and breaks of warm sunshine for some.  Here is what we have been up to...

Group 4 - The Great British Bakeoff and the Gorge of Doom (not)
Today we were trying to bake a cake –archery style. We used lots of skills like strength, aiming and yes (this is for the adults) we also spent a lot of time learning all the safety rules.  What we thought was funny today was how seriously we took this competition, we almost felt like it was a real cookery show, but there were lots of burnt cakes!!
So, you are probably wondering how this game works. Each colour of the target represented a cake ingredient, except the colour black which meant ‘You have burnt your cake.’ The aim was to hit each colour(ingredient)and that meant your cake was baked. If you burnt your cake(black) you had to start all over again. Unfortunately some of us baked more cakes than others.
Her are words from our group to describe the archery: roasted, burnt, lit, fun, ingredients, wooden cake(this refers to the number of arrows that missed the target and ended up in the wooden frame) hard, delicious, good and MIDGIES.
That  was our morning, warmer, dry and NO WIND.
After lunch, we went GORGE WALKING, now known by our group as ‘George the Gorge.’
(Note from Mrs Coltherd here. It was great hearing the reaction of the group when they first set eyes on the water cascading down the rocks. Lots of oooos and aahhs and ‘I didn’t think it would be like this’ could be heard. )
The highlight today was ‘The slide.’ It was part of the gorge that had flat rocks on a slope that were covered in moss ‘stuff’ that was really slippy. Quite a lot of people plunged into the water and their head went right under.
A magic moment was getting trying to get under the waterfall so you could kiss the magical moss. Some of us managed but it tasted green!!fishy and salty.
Funniest bit today was when three of our group ended up in very deep water at the bottom of the slide. They ended up with arms and legs everywhere.
To do the gorge walk we had to be really good at balancing, listening, helping others and following instructions. At the end of this activity, someone said ‘When I empty my boots there will be a new ocean formed!!’
The only low point of the gorge walk was walking back in our wet gear with boots full of water and feet that felt like ice.
Our words to describe the gorge experience: banter, sore, wet, drenched, slippery, oceanic, extraordinary, heavy, cold, watery.
We had a really great day today and the weather was lovely in the afternoon.
This blog was a group effort again by: Dillon, Alannah, Freya, Callum. C, Malachi, Isla.B, Sam, Serena and  Kyle  

Group 2: Day 3 – Ski-ing and Kayaking
This morning we did ski-ing.  We started by getting our equipment gathered and had a talk with our Instructor about how to use it properly.  There were ski boots which were really hard to walk in. Once we got to the ski slope, we got our skis on and played a few games.  We played “What’s the time Mr Wolf?” and did some races.  Our instructors were very helpful teaching us lots of new skills and tactics.  We learnt the new skill “edging” when you walk side-ways UP the slope! Then we did some ski-ing from halfway up the slope.  Tallis and Harvey fell over a lot!! We also learned how to ski in different ways such as the “pizza” and “chips” style! “Pizza” is when you turn your skis in to a V-shape, and “chips” is when your skis are in straight lines.  Sometimes we had to be very patient whilst everyone was taking their turn.  Ski-ing was a challenging activity because we all fell over a lot.

After lunch we went kayaking and it was so much fun!!  We learned the main skills on how to paddle, and played some games.  We had to stand up in our kayak whilst floating in the middle of the pond which took a lot of skill and balance.  Our group had to take our kayaks to the island and climb up on to it taking our kayaks up with us.  It was the hardest part but everyone managed it because we worked as a team and helped each other. Some of us fell in to the water and then had to take our boat out of the pond and empty it.  The best part was being allowed to swim back to the island! Everyone had an exciting day.
·         Skidding fast down the ski slope
·         Swimming to the island
·         Falling off the skis
·         Pulling kayaks up on to the island
·         Having to wait during the ski-ing.

Group 5
Today our group went on a hill walk up to Dun-da-lamh fort. We had to drive in a minibus for 45 minutes to get there and then we started our walk. Our group voted to take the steep route to the top which took us up through the forest. It was shorter but much more challenging with the track being very slippy and muddy. We stopped at the top for lunch and played a catching game called ‘Scram’ which we all really enjoyed. After our hill walk we stopped at a museum that had old fashioned houses that you could look in and see how people used to live. We also went to the school called Knockbain which showed you a typical day in the 1930’s. We had to sit at old fashioned desks and write using a quill and ink pot. When we had finished our writing the teacher of the school had to give us a mark out of 10. He also showed us the old belt that badly behaved children were hit with which was really quite terrifying. Then Zoe let us go to the playpark to run about before getting back in the minibus to come back to the centre.

Getting to the top & bottom of the hill, playing ‘Scram’, falling over and being able to get back up and carry on! Nobody complaining, going to the museum, going to the old fashioned school

Slipping on the muddy track, falling over near the start of the walk, getting midge spray in my eyes, having to go up the steep forest track           
3 words to sum up our day
Eilidh - good, excellent, successful                           Cadence - fun, hard, tiring
Jasmin - sore, fun, laughter                         Andrew - hard, really fun, determined
Finn - windy, fun, tough                                Leo - good, fun, tiring
Eszter - falling, exciting, climbing                               Lauren - tiring, great, successful
Jay - fun, exciting, funny

                                         Group 1 Day 3 Bouldering, climbing and abseiling
We had morning wake up, breakfast and room inspections. We the met our instructor Brig, who issued us with our equipment; we were given helmets and harnesses and showed how to put them on. We were then driven to a Forrest, we had to walk up to a high area in t

he Forrest boulders where we were told how to do bouldering, Brig showed us how to spot this is when you stand behind someone in case they slip so you can stop them. The boulder area was slippy so this made it hard to get up, the hardest part was called the overhang only Zara managed to get up it, and the rest of us went up an easier part. When at the top we were taken to a large Rock face, where we met Gordon who had set up ropes for us to climb up and abseil down the instructors showed us how to rope up with a carabineer, It was hard work finding foot and hand holds climbing up, abseiling down was a little freighting as you have to lean right back over the rock face and walk down it but we all still really enjoyed doing it.
Group 1 day 3 Mounting biking
After lunch we went to the bike store where Brig issued us with bikes and helmets. After attest run on the hill Catherin we were taken on the roads and tracks around the centre we all had to learn how to use our gears for going up steep slopes and coming down the hardest part was going up the slopes. Some areas were really bumpy and muddy that we all screamed out . Raegan led the group and Ella kept going well at the back covered in mud. When we got back to the centre our legs were very very sore.
Group 1Lewis, Andrew, Raegan, Charlotte, Michael, Eve,  Ella, Zara and Alfie.  

Group 6 – by Drew, Brogan, Ellie, Michael, Jenny, Ade, Emily, Isla and Glen
Day 3 activities: climbing, abseiling and gorge walking (otherwise known as walking gorgeously)
Highs – walking the whole way up the gorge, falling in the waterfalls, having a pond in your boots and going in the shower at the end.  We thought our adventure was over when on the short bus ride back, we saw a large bird swoop over the road ahead of us and land on a bra  We quickly stopped and reversed so we could see it better.  It stayed for a few minutes whilst we looked carefully, we think it was a juvenile golden eagle.  Wow!

Lows/challenges – wet, cold, mucky and lots of spills (a rock coming back for revenge on Jenny, Drew falling over a tree and Brogan going for an extra swim she wasn’t meant too!)

Magic moments – going under the waterfalls with the sound of the water thundering over you, sliding down the waterfalls, Glen hugging a tree but basically lots of falling over by everyone. 

Skills – listening today was a 7.5 out of 10.  Much stamina needed to keep going.  Optimism was necessary in such a frightful and personally challenging day.  There was lots of great teamwork which helped to pull us through the tough times today and plenty of new found confidence to take away from a very tiring day.  Highly skilled at getting wet on a pretty dry day today with no rain – 10/10.

Words – it’s cold, nervous, are you ok, that was fun, fancy a dip and finally cough, cough, cough!
Isla – I think this is the best week of my life!
Ade – very sore feet, especially my heels!
Brogan – fun, active and cold!
Ellie – It was a bit cold but I had fun!
Jenny – I tripped over another rock today and Drew tripped over a tree!
Emily – I fell over in every single pool in the gorge!
Glen – It was challenging at the time but it feels good to have done it!

Group 3 – Mr Peace
Last night we threw a surprise party for Mason’s 12th birthday.  We had some music and played some party games and then we had Mason’s birthday cake for supper. One of the party games was musical statues and at the end there was a dance - off between Drew and Rhys and in the end Rhys won.
Today we went canoeing and snowboarding. First we went canoeing in Loch Insh. Stewart made two rafts out of canoes so we went into two group of five. Today we worked on balance, rhythm and communication. One of the groups was speeding ahead and the other group couldn’t catch up. We played a game of boat basketball.  Rhys was proud of Conal for scoring loads of goal in our game. One of the groups used ‘’YA YEET YA’’ as their rhythm chant to paddle at the same time. We also saw a huge Osprey nest with one Osprey in it and we were all surprised at the size of them. Stewart told us that the nest was about the size of a double bed.
In the afternoon we all went snowboarding and got all our gear. At the beginning of the lesson we all started working on our balance and even did some yoga. Then we learned how to break and put our feet in the foot spaces. As the afternoon went on, we learned the basics of snowboarding and began to get more confident.  A few of us thought that they had done better in snowboarding than they thought they would. After we all gained some confidence, we moved up the slope bit by bit. “Rock on” was something that Murray shouted when he made it down the slope without falling over. At the end of the lesson, we were all very pleased with what we had achieved and we all had tried as hard as we could. We were all very proud of Stewart for being such a good helper.
By Conal and Grace

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